if u madew deposit you can convert it from your acount to subscription, if you paid with Zelle, pls send SS for your payment to speed up process, also let us know your username.
forwarded the info, please keep tuned, It will be fixed soon, thanks
I still do not have access, please assist, thank you
You paid for a Normal Premium Subyshare user, not our site's Premium. Please contact subyshare to fix the situation : https://tickets.subyshare.com/open.php
Hi, I opened a ticket and it was marked resolved and they gave me a balance on my subyshare. How do I go about applying that to DigitalBakery?
Please goto https://subyshare.com/account/profile , click to Settings and select Convert Funds .Choose a plan then click Convert !
forwarded to subyshare,
you made subyshare subscription, asked subyshare to convert it to bakery subscription
please try again
Was able to successfully convert the funds. Or at least it notified me of such. Can you please help check?
I allowed you to see the links until January 19 just as a test. If you are still unable to download, then the problem wasn't fixed with subyshare, check with them. If it works, let us know and we'll validate you for the correct number of days.
Thanks boss. I can download. Can you please adjust my account to reflect the right amount of days in your system that I subbed? It was supposed to be for a whole year but since this fiasco happened, I think it's about 120 days. I think but you let me know. Thanks again!